And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. — Mark 12:43 & 44
I can think back to many times in my life when I was told to give something my best or my all. My coaches playing sports when I was younger said to give it all you have. My dad always reminded me to give things my best. I remember when I was about to be married, one of my best friends at the time told me that marriage will only work if you give it everything you have.
When someone tries to halfheartedly do something, it quickly shows. They start to forget important things and the little details that once mattered to them. For a worker, they may become sloppy. For an athlete, they may see a noticeable decline in their performance. For a marriage or friendship, it may lead to arguments and strife.
Just like all of these circumstances, the same is true for a Christian. Many times, Christians will attempt to be Christian when it is convenient, when people are watching, and when they need to be noticed. Jesus paid no attention to those who were giving an abundance of money to the treasury that day He shared these words. Instead, it was a widow woman who threw in two mites. It was nothing compared to the massive amounts of money that others gave, but Jesus said here that she gave all that she had.
If we are all honest, we can think of places and circumstances where we perhaps put on a Christian performance. Instead of giving our all to God, we held back a portion that we did not quite want to let go of. It is hard to let go of some things in our lives and let God have control.
That is exactly what God is watching for though. He is looking for us to give all that we have to him. He wants us to go all in, giving Him full reign over every aspect of our lives. Not only that, but fully and completely committing to serving Him no matter the situation. Are we giving our all to God?