He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills. — Psalm 104:10
I will never forget the words of a former coworker of mine as we sat and talked one evening. I was having a challenging evening dealing with some things and he looked at me and said, “just remember, there are always two sides to every valley.” He was encouraging me that there were better days ahead on the other side of the issue I was facing. I certainly understand what he meant when he said those words. He was right as well. Eventually, I did come out of that valley that I was dealing with. It didn’t change the fact that I was in the valley struggling right then, needing something.
It seems that as we go through our Christian walk, we often find ourselves going from a high point of life to a valley. Perhaps it is a spiritual holiday that has us super focused on our faith, then we find ourselves back dealing with the real world. Our lives can quickly change from the mountain top back to a valley.
The psalmist here wrote some interesting words to consider when finding ourselves in the valleys of life. He said that God sends springs into the valleys. Their path is purposefully guided into the low areas in order to bring life and sustainment to the low areas. It goes one step further describing how they “run among the hills.” God created the valleys to allow the flow of water between the hills. How excellent a design and a thought!
Water is often referred to in Scripture as a reference to the word of God and the Holy Spirit. Scripture often references how it is satisfying and sustaining. That same symbol of water is found here in Psalm in how God designs it to flow into the low areas of our life.
The valleys of life may be difficult, may seem long, and may be some of the lowest points of your life. But God will send a spring into your valley! He has exactly what we need, knows when we need it, and He can send it to the exact point of our valley where we need it most.