Maintaining the important things in life

Maintaining the important things in life
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And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. — Galatians 6:9

There are so many times that I have said “I will do that tomorrow.” Some may call it procrastination, others may call it planning. For me, I often refer to it as being too busy to keep up with things in life at times.

There are many times I make this statement when I’m tired and I just feel like I cannot go on. Tough days, adversity, trials, sickness, or many other things can contribute to that. No matter the circumstance, it seems l often say I’ll do something tomorrow.

But are the things that we put off to tomorrow things that we really need to do today? Galatians 6:9 talks about these very times in our lives. We often find ourselves with so much to do that we are unable to accomplish it all. We can have the best of plans, but sometimes we struggle.

It can be so easy to try and put off things to tomorrow that may seem small but are extremely important. Things like our daily Bible reading or our prayer lives. They may seem so small to put off a day, but when they take a back seat in our lives it is a major loss.

We must take an assessment of our lives to look at the things that are important. We may need to put things off to tomorrow, but they must not be the important things. Our lives are filled with so many distractions and demands that we need to make sure to maintain the most important things each day.

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